75 Catchy Fire Safety Slogans for Awareness Campaigns
Fire safety is something that every individual needs to take into account. When it comes to fire safety, it’s important to learn a few catchy fire safety slogans to help remind people of the dangers posed by fires and what they can do to stay safe. Though fire safety slogans have been used in combination with other elements like public service ads or public awareness materials, they are intended to be used on their own to promote fire safety. Most of the fire safety slogans that have been developed over the years have focused on making fire related issues interesting to kids and adults. These help people remember the message that is being promoted because they are not directly related to fires and tragedies but deal with something much more for a social cause
The following list of fire safety slogans have been used in awareness campaigns in the past and serve as an inspiration to those promoting fire safety.
- Answer the “Burning question with Fire prevention
- A Burning House is a Burning Shame
- Fire waste can never be replaced
- Do your part and fire won’t start
- Fire feeds on careless deeds
- Let’s “Blaze the way ” to keep the blaze away
- The little fire you leave may leave you little
- Fear fire and prevent it
- Fire is an upstart; Keep in its place
- What fire destroys never returns
- Abolish hazards and you abolish flames
- Remember the ember
- Fire is a menace kill it with care
- Fires are rare when care is there
- Fire prevention is self-protection
- A match may be down but not out
- Fire is a glutton. Help starve it
- A careless smoker is a fire provoker
- Patriotic people practice fire prevention
- Why work and save to burn
- Sowing matches – Reaping ashes
- Prevention takes the ire out of fire
- A dead campfire means a live forest
- Safety ever, fires never
- Fire sweeps where carelessness creeps
- Guard the match from rat and mouse and save a barn, a store, a house
- There must be no pacifists in the war against fire
- Park your matches in a safety zone
- Fire prevention is the difference between care more and carelessness
- Check your fires and save your cheques
- Where children are taught, fires will be naught
- When flames go up, Nations go down.
- Better a dead coal than a dead loss
- The time to put out a fire is before you drop the match
- Fires are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree
- Guarded lights mean guarded lives
- Suspect and inspect, but do not neglect
- Prevent fire by firing CARELESSNESS
- Haphazard is off times a fire hazard
- Careless hands are firebrands.
- Don’t make light of the match
- Fire is a slow starter but a good finisher, beat it at the start.
- Fire fire first before fire fires you
- Preventing a fire in time may save your home or may be mine
- When men strike they go out, but matches don’t.
- Cigarettes are irresponsible, do not let them go out alone.
- Remember fireproof does not mean foolproof.
- Precaution is the master of fire.
- Don’t blame the match, you should have used your head.
- Watch the sparks, they are the children of destruction.
- Pour oil on troubled waters but never on your fire.
- An inch of flue repairs is worth a mile of fire hose.
- Be a hero, not a Nero.
- A match snuffed out puts fire to rout.
- The end of a perfect cigarette may start a conflagration.
- Fire is a welcome visitor but always see it out.
- When your match “goes out”, make sure that it cant “come back”.
- The fire thief cannot pick a prevention lock.
- Use caution – it beats blazes.
- Prevention is a “stitch in time which saves 9999”
- Electric irons may be sad irons if you don’t watch out.
- Spy for sparks.
- In every fire there is an I that might have prevented it.
- Prevent fires by watching yours.
- Has a match a brighter head than yours?
- Fire, faithful friend, fearful foe.
- One man’s fire may bankrupt fifty.
- Say it with safety and save the flowers.
- Don’t flirt with fire.
- Gasoline develops horsepower – use horse sense in handling it.
- Help blaze the way to a blazeless day – banish fire hazards.
- Fire – its cure is costly its prevention cheap.
- Poke the fire, don’t oil it.
- Preventing fires, the year around reduces the fire loss in your town.
- Play with fire and fire will get you.
Few interesting couplets and tercet on Fire Safety
- Use soap and water to get things clean, It is safer and cheaper than Gasoline.
- Be careful of your wires,Watch your chimney too,You have seen disastrous fires, Why let it happen to you.
- Just go ahead and set the world on fire if you can but use brains instead of matches.
- A match is a useful and wonderful tool, Not a plaything designed for a child or fool.
- Some are fire wise, Some are other wise, What are you?
- Make a little use of your thinking apparatus and You will have little use of your fire apparatus.
- Matches, like gossips are very ill bred, What they stir up is sure to spread.
- Picnic fires are lots of fun, But put them out when you are done.
- Fire controlled is friend indeed, Uncontrolled, a terrible friend.
- Smoker, be careful where you throw those stubs, And don’t be classed with the arson dubs.
Fight Fire be the Hero