21 -February- 2024

National Safety Day Theme 2024

National Safety Day (NSD) Campaign was launched in 1972 by the National Safety Council of India on its foundation day, 4th march and has since been organized every year. The Campaign now entering its 53rd year, has grown into a major national campaign widely celebrated by industry, trade unions, govt. departments, regulatory agencies, NGOs and institutions with the active support of the Central and State Governments and media. It has made impact on the industrial scenario at the national level by contributing to increased safety awareness and reduction in accidents. Started for a single day on 4th March as NSD, the campaign has now been spread over a week from 4-10 March.

The main objective of National Safety Day is to promote SHE culture in the workplace and incorporate it with the work culture. It uses a participative approach by employers by involving their employees in SHE activities and reminding them of their responsibilities in making their workplaces safer.

National Safety Day Theme 2024

Every year Govt of India declares theme for celebrating National Safety Day. The theme for 2024 has been derived as

Focus on Safety Leadership for E.S.G Excellence.

If you wish to download NSC circular on National Safety Day theme 2024 or purchase posters and signages on Safety day, visit the NSC page on the link below

NSC Circular on National Safety Day and posters & Signages for campaign

Activities You can plan for National Safety Day

Several activities can be organised depending on the nature of organization you work. Some of the activities include

  • The unfurling of the NSD Flag.
  • Safety Pledge
  • Display of safety banners and posters mentioning the National Safety Day theme 2024
  • Safety competitions including essay, slogans, posters, quiz, tool box talk etc.
  • Contractor safety awareness programs
  • PPE demonstrations and competitions such as SCBA wearing competition
  • Exhibitions
  • Road shows
  • Training Programs/Workshops/Seminars, etc.
  • Organizing emergency drills
  • Holding award functions
  • Inviting eminent guest speakers
  • Community Awareness Programs
  • Safety film shows

National Safety Day is an opportunity for safety professionals and experts to exchange ideas, share best practices, and discuss new and innovative ways to improve workplace safety.

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